A team from a church in Uzbekistan came to Bangkok to be exposed to the trafficking issues of Uzbek women in Bangkok and to report back to their churches so as a church they could address their role in how to help.
LEAD staff provided logistics, and translation services for 15 women rescued from being trafficked to Bangkok, Thailand, and repatriated them to Uzbekistan.
Grant provided to a woman rescued from being trafficked to Thailand to set up a bazaar stall in her home town to sell merchandise.
After some time this farm will underwrite the operating budget of LEAD’s partner’s orphanage. This orphanage provides orphans (many from Myanmar and parentless because of the war between their people group and the Burmese military) a home, an education, and medical care.
A ministry that works in the red light district of Bangkok, encouraging women to leave the industry and offering them employment if they do. Once a person leaves the sex industry, NightLight provides them with gainful employment, vocational training, education, medical care, daycare for children, and counseling. A LEAD staff person provided this ministry with […]
This café was established for multiple purposes. 1) provide a place for free medical screening for those working in the sex industry. 2) provide a place for those ministering in the red light district of Bangkok to intersect with those in the sex industry to build a relationship with them and a) encouraging them to […]
Provide local church with emergency relief goods to share with refugees from the Iraqi and Syrian wars. This, in turn, gives the local church an opportunity to build a relationship and share Christ. We are also providing local believers with micro-loans to set up a small business to employ themselves.
Provided local church with emergency relief goods to share with refugees from the Iraqi and Syrian wars. This, in turn, gave the local church an opportunity to build a relationship and share Christ. We are also providing local believers with micro-loans to set up a small business to employ themselves.
In particular, LEAD staff helped a local ministry involved in the rescue, vocational training, and employment of women who are at risk, research and navigate the establishment and structuring of their ministry.
There are many needs within LEAD partner orphanages in Myanmar and elsewhere in the world.
Helping partners or other ministries address project opportunities and needs strategically and sustainably.
Provided local church with funds for emergency relief good to share with victims of this cyclone. While doing this, the church would hold evangelistic services and saw many added to the Church.
Built a set of new buildings for an existing orphanage at a larger and safer location. This program provides a free or sponsored education and a home to orphans.
Provide local church with emergency relief goods to share with refugees from the Iraqi war and the war in Syrian. This, in turn, gives the local church an opportunity to build a relationship and share Christ. We also need to provide the local believers with micro-loans to set up a small business to employ themselves.
Provided local church with emergency relief goods to share with refugees from the Iraqi war and the war in Syrian. This, in turn, gave the local church an opportunity to build a relationship and share Christ. We are also providing local believers with micro-loans to set up a small business to employ themselves.
Provide local church with emergency relief goods to share with refugees from the Iraqi war. This, in turn, gives the local church an opportunity to build a relationship and share Christ.
Through the establishment of a shelter with a bridal gown and dress rental business at its front, our partner will be able to provide at-risk women a venue at which to heal, learn an honorable vocation and to live safely.
Provided local church with emergency relief goods to share with refugees from the Iraqi war. This, in turn, gave the local church an opportunity to build a relationship and share Christ.
A church for Muslim Background Believers (MBB) who have come to Christ and need a safe place for fellowship and be discipled.
Provided vocational training to local women and women displaced by the Iraqi who otherwise would have no means of income and might turn to prostitution.
These programs provide shelter, medical care, legal help, educations, and vocational training for at-risk women.
The young lady who houses orphans in her home wished to establish a plantation in order to support the monthly costs related to the children. We will purchase land, saplings, and materials to establish it. In 2-3 years, the plantation will produce enough revenue to cover their monthly cost of food.
LEAD’s partner does extensive community aid and development needs room for expansion, an airstrip from which to operate, and revenues to sustain its operations has located a choice piece of property. This property has an airstrip, resort, and plenty of acreages. Strategically developing the property will meet growth needs while generating revenues to supplement operational […]
Villages of internal refugees are being reached creatively with the Gospel. The villagers have 30 years to pay the government back for the land on which they resettled. These villagers have requested assistance in determining how best to use their land for generating revenues. They have also requested assistance in the implementation of that plan. […]
English classes for a Rohingya young woman will give her the opportunity to get a better paying job and/or teach in the refugee camp schools. (1x) Chakma man sponsored to master’s degree in the Philippines so he can return and be more effective in local ministry. (1x). Young Hindu convert sponsored to Bible school in […]
This widow of three makes about $1.00/day and is fighting to care for and educate her three daughters. Because her house is falling apart and it isn’t safe for her girls to sleep there at night, she desperately needs a new home!
Over 900,000 Rohingyan refugees have fled genocide in Myanmar and are in camps in the south of Bangladesh. These refugees need food and shelter. Care packages of clothing, food, bedding, and materials to makeshift houses are being distributed.
Successful in doing this type of training, LEAD’s partner will conduct a 6-month equivalent within the refugee camp with five refugee women. At the end of the course, the women will receive a sewing machine to begin working from home to provide for their families.
Helping partners or other ministries address project opportunities and needs strategically and sustainably.
To help a Bengali family care for the needs of their twin daughters who are severely handicapped both mentally and physically, LEAD is assisting them in the establishment of a farm on their existing property.